You can search by name (expression) or you can search by main technical characteriastics.
You can combine the two types of search to decrease the list of results and to increase accuracy of the search.
Searching for a string of characters (text):
You can start this type of search (being anywhere in the web site) by typing a text in the box placed below the companyname and above the main menu, then click the button ”Search”.
You type must type at least 3 characters!
We search for the string (or expression) you typed anywhere in devices names.
If you wish to search an expression (more words separated by space) frame it with quotation marks (”) or apostrophes (').
Searching for a string of characters delivers as found results the devices organized in groups and types.
You can refine the search combining the string search with the main technical characteristics search.
After you have got a set of results searching by string, select from results a device or a device type, then indicate a range for minimum and maximum values of the main technical characteristics. If you don't select any range of main techical characteristics, when you click the button ”Display” will see all the results obtained searching by text.
Searching for main technical characteristics:
The main Technical Characteristics used to search are:
Devices selection by a range of values of main technical characteristics is available for: Diodes, Thyristors, Power Modules (and for any of these groups types).
For devices of groups: Aluminum Heatsinks, Surge Voltage Suppressors and Silicon Resistors is not available selection by range of any technical characteristics.